The truth.
You clutch the sheets that hold you safe and inside every inch of you falls to your knees.
You know what's next
and there it is
the rain.
It dumps down and the room closes in.
You feel how small you are in the moments you realize how big He is.
It happens when you feel like you can't hold out hope anymore.
He reaches down and holds on to you, gripping life for you.
It's a book that flies open to a chapter you needed to read.
A card that falls off a table you've neglected to clean and you needed to see.
He's there
and you can't deny Him
you can't deny yourself of Him.
The lightning fills the rooms
the storm is closer than you thought.
Lord hold me.
Father, I hear you.
I don't want to spend my life chasing after a dream that you aren't blessing.
I want to be living the dream You put on my heart.
I want to cling to You and not to my dreams.
I want a life that is secure in You
and if that means I have to let go of MY plan, show me how.
My knuckles are white from clutching the bedsheets while the storm hails down.
The truth:
"Insecurity is a lack of faith. And a lack of faith is sin."
I am utterly dependent on You.
Oh how often I forget this.
I forget it when I feel like I'm writing the checks alone.
when I feel like I'm at the mercy of others.
when I feel...
One dream.
3.5 years.
What now?