I have found myself in that all to familiar hole again.
The hole of exhaustion, defeat, selfishness.
The hole that includes asking for much and giving little & saying yes to the wrong people and no to the right ones.
In an atmosphere of ultimate change from home to profession my adjustment has been less than stellar. It's as if my whole world flipped hemispheres and I have lost my balance to walk in grace, mercy, and love.

If you've tracked my blog for any amount of time, you'll know, this thing called "mothering" comes in waves for me. I constantly feel as if I am one week on and three weeks off.
In my "on" times, I am loving, patient, excited, & more selfless than usual.
In my "off" times I am every aspect of the word DONE.
I find no joy, it's all a burdensome load of work, my expectations for my two year old to function as a 28 year old are high, and my relationship to my husband is one that functions on exhaustion and score keeping.
It's a state of DONE that comes from being so ON everywhere else but in my heart.
ON in mobility, commitments, expectations that deplete the ability for me to be ON where it matters most: HOME.
In this time of adjustment I feel the weight of a new role at work that has me cast as "the new girl" where I am constantly reminded that I am not in High School anymore so at the end of the day, what matters is I am doing my job.
At home I come home and see the projects in piles and so much abounding newness that I am too overwhelmed to sit and enjoy this moment of excitement that will not last forever.
It's all a feeling very similar to when my son was just a baby. This weight of "I can't wait til this is over" and I am crushed in spirit as I desperately need to be here now before it's gone.
At the heart of me:
I miss my husband. I miss our friendship and ability to love without 10,000 things in between us that need to get done as he juggles two jobs + being the handy man of a new home.
I miss my son who's face lately seems to be
in the way vs. my gift.
Convicted: "Sons are a heritage from the LORD,
children a reward from him." Psalm 127:3
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much" Luke 16:10
"Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us." Romans 12:3These are the words I have heard recently calling out to me knowing that my God is my Father who loves me and in His love can forgive me. He does not expect perfection of me as I humble myself before him, so why do I expect it of myself?
I am desperate for a heart change so this morning I am before Him saying,
"Lord, I am sorry for how I have been acting. I am sorry that the blessings have become burdens. I am sorry that I have said yes to extending my energy at work so when I come home I am saying no to my boys. Lord, I thank you for forgiving me and ask You to help me change today. Let me see my boys the way You do. Intercede and repair my empty heart. I thank You in advance for your healing. I love you, Father. Amen."